What is HS5?

High-performance scale-up self-hosted simple storage service (hs5)

  • High performance: Designed to run with high performance

  • Scale-up: Runs only on a single node. To scale it use it on a better machine. With machines with terabytes of RAM and hundreds of terabytes of storage available this might be enough for many use cases

  • Self-hosted: You run it yourself, keeping ownership and responsibility of your data

  • Simple: Simple to setup and run. API-compatible with AWS S3 API

  • Storage Service: An object storage service like AWS S3

Fast. TBD
Web interface. TBD
Easy to setup. TBD
Free Software. HS5 is Free Open Source software licensed under the OSI certified LGPLv3+. As long as you adhere to the terms and conditions of the license you are allowed to use and redistribute HS5 in a personal and commercial setting.

Getting started



Test post

This is a test post.

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